2022: Our Year in Review
A letter from our Director, Anara Frank
December 26, 2022
Dear Friends of MetaMovements,
As 2022 comes to a close, I have been reflecting on the many changes that have happened and the consistent support we have received from all of you: our community of dancers, students, travelers and friends. Many of you have asked for updates, inquired about what’s happening on the islands, and wondered what we are planning for the coming year— so I decided it was the perfect time to write and to share news and reflections from 2022, as well as our plans for the coming year.
I also wanted to remind you about our Annual Fund, so that you can consider making a gift to support our work. To learn more about the Fund and our goals for 2023, click here.
One year ago we weren’t sure what was next for us…
We had just closed the MM House in Boston, and the waves of Delta and Omicron had us wondering if a company that provided partner-dancing classes, group trips, and large community events would be able to stay operational. We were apprehensive about our future, but we were working on adapting to the times and experimenting with different options of what we could do to get by. All the while trying to envision what was going to be possible in the next phase of the pandemic.
Personally, I was also struggling with the lingering effects of long Covid and the impact it was having on my mind, my body, and my other health issues. I was sent to multiple specialists, but they weren’t sure if I would get well enough to continue as director, or in my profession as a dancer. It was scary, but similar to my outlook with the company, I focused on adapting to the situation and experimenting to see what could help me get better… with incredible support and encouragement from medical professionals, co-workers, students, friends and family!
Knowing our plans could not be definite, we kept many things on hold. We simply committed to care for each other and our community as best we could. We looked for ways to stay connected and support each other through the many challenges of the moment—physical, psychological, financial, and, in many cases, all of the above. We weren’t sure what the future held for us, but we knew that whatever shape it took, we were going to support each other along the way.
With that simple focus, amazing things happened. Students and supporters danced and donated. Artists who received support created art that lifted people’s spirits and helped more people participate in something positive. People checked in on each other more and found new ways to help. And, while helping others they began to feel more optimistic themselves and see solutions to their own challenges more easily.
As our experiments turned into successes, our path ahead as a company became clearer. My health improved and I became more confident that if I kept working at it, I could actually get better. By summer, we were ready to reopen in Boston and help our community experience some of the same joys in outdoor dancing as we had before the pandemic. This fall, we were ready to host small trips to both the DR & Cuba. This winter I can say that I have gone more than three months without severe symptoms for the first time in years and am ready to envision getting healthy enough to continue in this profession.
Entering 2023, we know that MetaMovements can and will continue and we are excited and optimistic about the year ahead. Getting here was absolutely a collective effort, so I want to share a few of the accomplishments of this past year with all of you — the people who made it possible!
Supported 30+
With your support, we made a difference for our Greater Boston community by…
—Producing more then 20 uplifting outdoor dance & music events in a variety of locations, bringing the community together in a joyful way
—Teaching hundreds of virtual, outdoor and distanced dance & fitness classes in order to include people whose health (or family’s health) wouldn’t permit “a return to normal” but who needed help to get active and reconnected to community
—Bringing inspirational dance & music programs to hundreds of school-children in underserved areas who were in need of joyful, culturally-relevant programming
—Providing artists in our community with paying gigs, 0% interest loans, funding sources, training, and other avenues to help them stabilize and rebuild their revenue streams post-pandemic
—Offering time and resources to other dance companies and independent artists, helping them overcome the obstacles they were facing, access aid and services, and find new ways to collaborate and support each other
Your caring for our extended MetaMovements family in the DR & Cuba, enabled us to…
—Respond to critical needs of artists and their families during times of crisis, through the pandemic, hurricanes, and other situations where immediate aid was required
—Make visits to each community to provide supplies, resources, and professional development as requested, as well as to support artists in seeking solutions to the many new challenges they are facing
—Produce videos and promote artists’ work, increasing connections to new clients and contracts, and access to additional revenue streams
—Provide technology, tools and training to help artists to gain visibility and expand work opportunities through social media, online classes and other activities
We are gearing up for SITP, School Programs and new collaborations in the Boston area, and we are bringing back our popular Dance Trips to Cuba, the DR and a new location—Montserrat! We are seeking a new path to stability for artists through our Virtual Programs, including the ability to connect with clients who they may never have met without this platform. As we virtually dance with people in all parts of the world, whenever possible we will also want to meet them in person! We plan to begin touring again in the 2nd quarter of the year– bringing our uplifting dance & music programs to new communities as well as returning to visit old friends.
We hope you will stay in touch with us through our newsletter & social media to hear news from artists you know and love, and to meet members of our collective that you haven’t met yet. We will keep you updated as to what we are working on, what online programs are available, and when we may be coming to a city near you. We will bring you news from each of our locations, as well as exciting ways to travel with us in 2023!
In Closing
Thank you for your on-going support of MetaMovements and of me personally as we navigated these changes. We feel so fortunate to be a part of a community that really looks out for each other and believes, as we do, in paying it forward!
For those of you who can donate to our Annual Fund, we greatly appreciate it! Every dollar truly makes a difference as we move into this next phase. For those of you who can spread the word and share information about our work with friends and family, we thank you so much, and we look forward to getting to know them as well! Please use the buttons below to learn more, donate and share.
Much love, and many thanks to all of you! I look forward to dancing with you again soon!
Sincerely yours,